Physics Made it easy

and Gravitation
Chapter 12 Simple Harmonic Motion

Unit IV. Work, Power, Energy and Machines
Chapter 13 Work and Power
Chapter 14 Energy and its Conservation
Chapter 15 Machines

Unit V. Mechanics of Fluids
Chapter 16 The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter
Chapter 17 Hydrostatics
Chapter 18 Atmospheric Pressure and Fluids in Motion

Unit VI. Heat and Thermodynamics
Chapter 19 Temperature and thermal Expansion
Chapter 20 Measurement of Heat and Change of Phase
Chapter 21 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Unit VII. Waves and Sounds
Chapter 22 Wave Motion and Sound
Chapter 23 Sound
Chapter 24 Resonance and Vibrating Strings

Unit VIII. Light
Chapter 25 Electromagnetic Radiations and Light
Chapter 26 Photometry
Chapter 27 Reflection of Light
Chapter 28 Refraction of Light
Chapter 29 Interference of Light
Chapter 30 Diffraction and Polarization
Chapter 31 Electrons and Photons

Unit IX. Electricity and Magnetism
Chapter 32 Magnetism
Chapter 33 Static Electricity
Chapter 34 Capacitors and Dielectrics
Chapter 35 Electric Current, resistance and Electromotive Force
Chapter 36 Series and Parallel Circuits
Chapter 37 Electrical Energy and Power Circuit
Chapter 38 Electrochemistry
Chapter 39 Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter 40 Generator and Motors

Unit X. Nuclear Physics
Chapter 41 The Nucleus of an Atom
Chapter 42 Nuclear Reaction
Chapter 43 The Effect of Radiations


Beiser, Arthur. (1992). Modern Technical Physics. Singapore: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company
Catchillar, Gerry C., and Malenab, Ryan G. (2003). Fundamental Physics. National
Giambattista, A, Richardson, B. and Richardson, R. (2007). College Physics. 2nd Ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill Book Companies, Inc.
Giancoli, D.C. (1998). Physics: Principles with Applications 5th Ed. London Prentice Hall
International, Inc.
Halliday, D., Resnick, R. and Walker, J. (1997). Fundamentals of Physics. 5th Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hewitt, Paul G. (1997). Conceptual Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company United State of America
Serway, Raymond A., and Faughn, Jerry S., (2003) College Physics., 6th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning Asian Edition.
Serway, Raymond A., and Jewett Jr., John W., (2004) Physics for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics., 6th Ed. Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning Asian Edition.
Urone, Paul Peter. (2004) Physics with health science application. Philippines: Golden
Gate Printer
Young, H.D. and Freedman, R. A. (2000). Unversity Physics. 10th Ed., Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.

Physics Made it easy

Everything we see, hear, and feel are links with Physics. When you look up into the sky, you may see birds or an airplane flying. And asking why these things suspended in the sky? When turning on your televisions or radio you hear the sounds. And asking your self why these things aired on air? You feel cold or even warm if your turn on your air conditioner but asking how it works? These are all activities everywhere and yet so many of us hardly become conscious that all of them can explain by physics and physical laws. Physics is the basis of technology. Physics gives us the ability to learn much from life�s experiences concerning the changes in the world.


Physicist makes our modern life style a reality because of their eagerness and hardworking to discover the interaction of matter and its energy. Imagine with out bright steady electric bulbs, you will be then sends back to the flickering candle or oil lamp of old. Nuclear powered tube trains and ships replace electric trains and slow cumbersome steamships. Tall buildings reach beyond the clouds, bridges links islands and jets takes us anywhere in the world in hours.
After the Physicist had determined what make up the cells, the atom, and the universe, the chemist, the biologist, and the astronomer took over and continue to probe physical interactions further. This is proof that all other natural sciences depend upon Physics for their foundation. This is so because Physics is concerned with the most fundamental aspect of matter and energy and their interactions.
Galileo’s investigation and discoveries regarding falling objects and the swinging of pendulum mark the opening of experimental Physics. Kepler, Newton, Einstein, and other such scientist go after with their great contributions to Physics.

Chapter 1. Nature of Physics

1 Introduction to Physics

Physics is a branch of Physical Science which deals with the study of matter, energy and their interactions.
Physics is one of the foundations of all sciences. It is classified as an Experimental Science. It is also categories as the basic of all sciences. It primarily involves Units, Physical Quantities and Vectors, Motion along Straight and Curved Path, Work, Energy, Power, Momentum and its relationship to Impulse and etc.

Subdivisions of Physics
The subdivisions of Physics are Mechanics, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity and Nuclear Physics.

Mechanics. The branch of Physics which deals with energy and forces and their effect on
Heat. It concerned primarily with the condition of the body at a certain high temperature
or a change in temperature.
Light. The study of electromagnetic radiation and the emission of photons from the
excited state.
Sound. It refers to the transmission of longitudinal pressure waves(sound wave)(as in air)
that is the stimulus to hearing
Electricity. The study of the movement and interaction of electrons.
Nuclear Physics. This is also called Atomic Physics. It refers to the study of the behavior of the atomic nucleus or energy derived from it.

Chapter 2 Measurement of Physical Quantities

Chapter 2 Measurement of Physical Quantities

Measurement refers to the comparison of an unknown quantity with a standard. It judge against a quantity with a standard to see how many times as big as the standard the quantity is.

Background of Measurement

*Unit of the quantity = standard for describing magnitudes of physical quantities.

*1791 =metric system of measurement was established, Paris Academy of Sciences

o Meter was originally define as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North pole

o Second as the time for a pendulum one meter long to swing from one side to the other.

*1889 the definitions of the basic units have been established by an international organization, the general Conference on weights and Measures.

*1960 it has been known officially as the International System or SI (the abbriviation for the French equivalent, Syteme International)

o meter was define by an atomic standard, in terms of the wavelength of the orange- red light emitted by atoms of Krypton (86Kr) in a glow discharge tube; one meter was define as 1650763.73 of these wavelength.

o the unit of time was based on a certain fraction of the mean solar day, the average time interval between successive arrivals of the sun at its highest point in the sky.

*1967 is an atomic one, based on the two lowest energy states of the cesium atom.

o One second = the time required for 9192631770 cycles of this radiation

*November 1983 the standard was change again in a more radical way.

o Meter is the distance light travels in 1/299792458 second.

The three basic quantities are length, mass and time.

Length is a physical quantity for measuring space. The distance between two points.

Mass is a basic property of matter. The mass of an object is measure of the amount of matter it contains. The mass of an onject does not vary with the location. It remains the same even if the position of the object is changed with reference to the earth’s center.

Time is the interval between two successive events.

Length and its Units

Yard – In A.D. 1120, yard is measure from the standard length of the kings tip nose to the end of his outreached arm (King Louis XIV).

Meter was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole (1791).

Meter was defined by an atomic standard, in terms of the wavelength of the orange- red light emitted by atoms of Krypton (86Kr) in a glow discharge tube; one meter was defined as 1650763.73 of these wavelengths (1960).

Meter was redefined as the distance traveled by light in vacuum during a time of 1/ 299792458 second.

Mass and its Units

The MKS unit of mass is Kilogram. Kilogram (Kg) is defined as the mass of a specific platinum-iridium alloy cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Serves, France (1887).

Time and its Units

The unit of time was based on a certain fraction of the mean solar day, the average time interval between successive arrivals of the sun at its highest point in the sky (1960).

In 1967, the second/s is redefined as 9192631770 times the period of vibration of radiation from the cesium atom (Period is the time interval needed for one complete vibration).


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